Bio-Digester technology has been developed for resolving the problems of undecomposed
human waste. |
Biodigester |
Bio-Digester technology has been developed for resolving the problems of undecomposed
human waste. The innovation degrades and converts the human
waste into usable water and gasses in an eco-friendly manner. The generated gas
can be utilized for energy/ cooking and water for irrigation purposes. Read more...
"Towards Contribution to National Mission of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, DRDO Waives off Royalty Fees for Biodigester Technology from the ToT Holders w.e.f. 1st Jan 2015 for a Period of Five Years". |
Mr. S. Bundela (Additional Director) |
Mr. Vivek Raghav (Joint Director) |
Mr. Nirankar Saxena (Programme Director) |
Ms. Swati Sahai (Bio-Digester Technology Manager) |
Mr. Rubaab Sood (Programme Manager) |
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